How to change twitter background?
Twitter allows you to upload custom background. Its a nice way to use your brand logo and description as your Twitter Background. Follow the following steps to upload your customized twitter background. (While this is a simple tip, many people miss it and continue to use the default Twitter Backgrounds)
- Click on the image to get the full-sized version
- Right-click on the image
- Click on Save Picture As
- Save picture to your hard drive
Step 1: In your Twitter Profile. “Edit your profile”
Step 2: Click on “Design”
Step 3: Either Select a existing Theme or Click “Change Background Image”, Browse your Image and Upload it. You can also Tile the Image if you want. Hit the Browse button to find the image on your computer. Hit Save Changes.
Images can be either JPEG, GIF or PNG files. The size should be less than 800kb. Also Twitter stores your previous Background Images along with your profile, so you can revisit it later.
Twitter Backgrounds