You can burn between 360 and 532 calories in an hour of fast dancing, according to Harvard Health Publications. This makes the non-specific claims of “hundreds of calories per class,” as published on the Zumba website, easy to believe.
Zumba workouts can vary in intensity, and calorie burn depends on an individual’s weight, fitness level and muscle composition. During an hour long session you can burn anywhere from 500 to 800 calories. On average, a 150-lb. person can expect to burn 536 calories during an hour of Zumba. By comparison, the same person would burn 413 calories during an hour of moderate swimming, 477 for an hour of casual racquetball and 684 for an hour of running at a 10-minute-mile pace.
45 Minute Zumba Class
- If you weigh 150 lbs, you can burn approximately 320 calories in 45 minutes.
- If you weigh 200 lbs, you can burn approximately 430 calories in 45 minutes.
- If you weigh 250 lbs, you can burn approximately 535 calories in 45 minutes.
- If you weigh 300 lbs, you can burn approximately 645 calories in 45 minutes.
- If you weigh 350 lbs, you can burn approximately 750 calories in 45 minutes.
- If you weigh 400 lbs, you can burn approximately 860 calories in 45 minutes.
60 Minute Zumba Class
- If you weigh 150 lbs, you can burn approximately 430 calories in 60 minutes.
- If you weigh 200 lbs, you can burn approximately 475 calories in 60 minutes.
- If you weigh 250 lbs, you can burn approximately 715 calories in 60 minutes.
- If you weigh 300 lbs, you can burn approximately 860 calories in 60 minutes.
- If you weigh 350 lbs, you can burn approximately 1000 calories in 60 minutes.
- If you weigh 400 lbs, you can burn approximately 1145 calories in 60 minutes.
The more you weigh the more energy required to allow you to dance – two people dance for the same amount of time and intensity but one weighs more than the other, the heavier person will burn more calories.
The longer you dance for the more energy required – two people weighing the same amount dance at the same intensity but one does it for longer this person will burn more calories.
The harder you work, the more energy required – two people weighing the same amount dance for the same amount of time but one works hard (faster, more exaggerated movements etc) this person will burn more calories.