There are over 67 breeds of cats in the world.
The IPCBA (International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance) recognizes 73 feline breeds, while the more conservative CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association) gives the nod to only 41. Developing and registering a new breed of cats is a long, involved progress, and not every attempt is successful. For example, the CFA steadfastly refused to admit cats bred from “wild stock,” such as the Bengal, or the Savannah, although these breeds are both accepted by TICA and IPCBA.
Cat breeds of the world list
- Abyssinian Cat breed Africa (Ethiopia)
- American Bobtail USA
- American Curl USA
- American Shorthair Cat USA
- American WireHair Cat USA
- Australian Mist Cat Australia
- Balinese Cats FE (Thailand)
- Bambino Cat USA
- Bengal Cat Asia ; USA
- Birman FE (Burma) ; France
- Bombay Cat USA
- British Shorthair UK
- Burmese Cats FE (Burma) ; USA
- Burmilla Cat UK
- Californian Spangled USA
- Ceylon Asia (Sri Lanka)
- Chartreux Cat Europe (France)
- Chausie Cat USA
- Cornish Rex UK (England)
- Cymric (See Manx) UK (Isle of Man) ; USA
- Devon Rex UK (England)
- Domestic Lynx USA
- Don Sphynx Cat(Donskoy) Russia
- Dwelf Cat USA
- Egyptian Mau Cats Africa (Egypt)
- Exotic Shorthair Cat USA
- Genetta Cat USA
- German Rex Europe (Germany)
- Havana UK
- Japanese Bobtail Asia (China/Japan)
- Javanese Cat USA
- Kinkalow USA
- Korat Cat breed FE (Thailand)
- Kurilian Bobtail Cat Russia (Kuril Islands)
- Lambkins USA
- La Perm Cats USA
- Levkoy Cat Russia
- Maine Coon Cat USA
- Manx Cats Isle of Man, UK
- Minskin Cat USA
- Munchkin Cat USA
- Napoleon Cat USA
- Nebelung Cat USA / Russia
- Norwegian Forest Cats Scandinavia (Norway)
- Ocicat Cat USA
- Oriental Shorthair Cat FE (Thailand) ; UK
- History of Persian Cats ME (Iran) ; UK
- Peterbald Russia
- Pixie Bob Cat USA
- Ragdoll Cat USA
- Russian Blue Asia (Russia) ; Europe
- Savannah Cats USA
- Scottish Fold Cat UK (Scotland)
- Selkirk Rex Cat USA
- Serengeti Cat USA
- Types of Siamese Cats FE (Thailand)
- Siberian Forest Cat Asia (Siberian/Russia)
- Singapura Cat FE (Singapore)
- Skookum Cat USA
- Snowshoe Cat USA
- Somali Cats Africa ; USA
- Sokoke Cat Africa (Kenya)
- Sphynx Cat Mexico ; USA
- Tonkinese Cats USA / Canada
- Toyger Cat USA
- Turkish Angora Eurasia (Turkey)
- Turkish Van Cats Eurasia (Turkey)