There are about 2,000-2,500 steps in a mile. An average person takes about 2,000-2,500 steps to walk a mile.
The steps/mile calculation is based on stride length, and therefore, is also just a rough estimate. First calculate your stride length in inches as explained above. Then divide the number of inches in a mile (1 mile = 63,360 inches) by your stride length in inches.
For example: A female 63 inches tall (5’3”)
63 inches X .413 = 26 inches/step (stride length)
63,360 / 26 = 2437 steps/mile
Another example: A male 70 inches tall (5’10”)
70 inches X .415 = 29 inches/step (stride length)
63,360 / 29 = 2185 steps/mile